What Is This???It's Raining Again is an animated short film currently in pre-production that is written and directed by Cleveland-based filmmaker McKenna Rea Nalow. The film centers around Emile, a burnt-out student. When a storm hit's Emile's city one night, they discover that the rain has bizarre properties that can bring some excitement into their dull life. But after getting locked outside of their apartment building, Emile realizes that the rain may not be the gift they first thought it to be... Okay... But Why?It’s Raining Again is, first and foremost, an illustration of the experiences of a neurodivergent person, told by a team of neurodivergent people. The story was shaped by our own experiences with of mental health, in particular how we experience over and under stimulation and how those experiences influence our day to day lives. It is our biggest hope that in bringing this film to life, we can better help neurotypical viewers understand some of the experiences of neurodivergent people as well as give a bit of much needed visibility to those who do experience life as we do. That's Cool, How Can I Help?Stay tuned! This blog will be chronicling the development and production of this short film, including the ways you can contribute in the future! In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy the content we share, and let us know what you think in the comments! Thanks for tuning in!
Until next time! - McKenna Rea Nalow (Director)
WELCOME!This blog will be detailing the production process, news and all updates related to It's Raining Again, the second short film by Cleveland-based filmmaker McKenna Rea Nalow. Please feel free to interact with posts, ask questions, and have fun, but keep in mind that comments will be moderated, so keep it kind and constructive please! Categories |